Well, it's been a minute or two since I've posted an update but I promise, we've been busy! Personal post alert :) We were thankful to be able to take a little breather to spend some time with family over the holidays. We hosted a fall fest friends weekend, had our annual Friendsgiving, attended a beautiful family wedding, went home to western NY for Thanksgiving and had a wonderful Christmas on our farm in VA. Hannah also earned her spurs, Maddie got her first buck and got to practice on her brother's hair for school and I joined the sourdough cult! For your viewing pleasure...
Gladys house updates
Since our last update, we have finished the wood floors, installed all 3 bathroom floors and bathroom fixtures. Our son Kristof was a huge part of the wood floor restoration. He sanded down all of the floors and applied most of the poly. I covet the time that our children have spent on this project with us. It is so much more than the completion of a job. It is time, more than well spent and a multitude of memories made.
Staircase rebuild
Times like 3 or 4, it seems. Like our carpenter said, this staircase is STOUT.
We are on the homestretch!
We are so close! Stay tuned for kitchen and more updates. Can't wait to reveal the finished product :)